GameFAQs Karma Calculator - Profile: username

This calculator has figured out the following:

User Name: Username
Account Created: Monday, February 5th, 2007
Number Of Days: 6561
Karma: 775
Possible karma: 6807
Karma Missing: 6032
Percentage Of Total Karma: 11.4%
With your current karma you can withstand 258 notifications or 77 warnings without getting negative karma.
You could have gained...
Board User Levels:
Your current board user level is Elite (33), you could have been ? Block (38).

You can become...
  • Icon (34) in 225 days, on Thursday, September 4th, 2025.
  • Idol (35) in 725 days, on Sunday, January 17th, 2027.
  • Ancient (36) in 1225 days, on Wednesday, May 31st, 2028.
  • Sage (37) in 2225 days, on Tuesday, February 25th, 2031.
  • ? Block (38) in 4225 days, on Sunday, August 17th, 2036.
  • ??? (39) in 9225 days, on Tuesday, April 26th, 2050.

Post it on GameFAQs

Here is the same info for easy copy/pasting so you can post it on GameFAQs.

- User Name: Username
- Account Created: Monday, February 5th, 2007
- Number Of Days: 6561

- Karma: 775
- Possible Karma: 6807
- Karma Missing: 6032
- Percentage Of Total Karma: 11.4%

With your current karma you can withstand 258 notifications or 77 warnings without getting negative karma.

You could have gained...
* 22 karma on the 8% karmaboost in 2007, bringing you from 276 to 298.
* 66 karma on the karmaboost in 2008, bringing you from 663 to 729.
* 110 karma on the 10% karmaboost in 2009, bringing you from 1096 to 1206.
* 12 karma on 12-18-2012 for logging in on 12-12-12.
* 20 karma on 11-05-2015 for GameFAQs' 20th birthday.
* 16 karma on 11-09-2015 for the GameFAQs message boards' 16th birthday.

Board User Levels:
Your current board user level is Elite (33), you could have been ? Block (38).

You can become...
* Icon (34) in 225 days, on Thursday, September 4th, 2025.
* Idol (35) in 725 days, on Sunday, January 17th, 2027.
* Ancient (36) in 1225 days, on Wednesday, May 31st, 2028.
* Sage (37) in 2225 days, on Tuesday, February 25th, 2031.
* ? Block (38) in 4225 days, on Sunday, August 17th, 2036.
* ??? (39) in 9225 days, on Tuesday, April 26th, 2050.

GameFAQs Karma Calculator:

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Enter an amount of karma here and the calculator will tell you when you can reach it.
Enter a date here and the calculator will tell you how much karma you can have by then.
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