GameFAQs Karma Calculator

To calculate how much karma you could have had on GameFAQs, just enter your User Name to the first field below. You can also just go to, just replace username with your User Name, the name that comes up when you post on the GameFAQs Message Boards.

This Karma Calculator can show you how much karma you could have had on GameFAQs, when you will reach another user level and some other stuff. This calculator also includes the karma boosts and the bonus karma you get when the queues are not zeroed out. For a list of all karma boosts see Karma calculator information.

You can also enter the account information manually by clicking here.

Account information:
User Name:
Enter an amount of karma here and the calculator will tell you when you can reach it.
Enter a date here and the calculator will tell you how much karma you can have by then.
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